Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Gift

Tomorrow is my 7th Anniversary.  I am married to the love of my life.  I can say there is honestly not a day gone by that he hasn't made me smile; and we have endured some rough days. 
 I am blessed with a partner and best friend that accepts me, my flaws, my un-cute body, my bad days, my hurts and my frustrations.  I am blessed with someone that has NEVER let me down.  We aren't a perfect couple, we argue, we grumble...although rarely, but most importantly we forgive each other.  We fuss and stress and have tough times, just like everyone else.  But we always find solace in one another.  There is no person that makes me feel safer, more loved, more cared for. 
My husband is hilarious.  We laugh more than anything else.  This is a huge part of our marriage.  I would say if you are having marital problems (aside from big stuff like infedelity or abuse or something), you are either taking yourself too seriously, or you aren't laughing enough with your mate.
I am married to a man that listens.  This means more than anything in the world.  For someone to listen and actually hear you, your likes, dislikes, hurts, favorite things, and to remember your words, and store them in his heart. It's so neat.
 I could not think of a more perfect mate in this world than my precious, David.  His talent and resolve continually astound me.  His drive, passion and work ethic inspire me.  His goodness, kindness, and calm, soothe me.  I respect his opinions and advice, he would never steer me wrong.  He and I share one brain at times, it's amazing to exchange a glance and not have to speak a word at times, because you know what the other is thinking.  After 7 sweet years, I have comfort, I have a gift.  David is the best present I have ever been given from my Father in Heaven.  David is my home.  God molded and shaped this man just for little 'ol me.  Nothing ever am I more sure of....and I included that when we wrote our own wedding vows.
Today we drove by our first home together, just to go see it...and reminisce a minute.  I remember the excitement of figuring one another out and the fun we had furnishing our house together, the laughs and silly times when Maya and Noah were small.  Teaching kids to ride bikes in the driveway, and smoking cigarettes over deep conversations on the deck (yes, we used to smoke--ick).  The shrubs we planted together have grown large and healthy (just like us--ha).  This little house contained a special time in our lives, and we both got teary looking at it again today.  I wondered if there was another young couple that was living there and creating their memories.  I know mine are unforgettable.
All the memories created in 7 years flood my brain.  We have had a blessed and favored marriage thus far.  I am still in love with my sweetheart.  We relish our abundant time together.  After not having seen one another for a day, we can't wait to talk and fill each other in on what the other missed.   I like my husband, not just love...I really like him.  He makes me so happy.  I am going to praise God on our Anniversary for the neatest gift, and maybe watch our shaky wedding video a friend filmed for us and cry a bit.   Thank you God, for David.  Thank you, David for the best 7 years I could have ever dreamed of having.  Thank you for loving me.  I am home.

1 comment:

  1. Oh babe, that is so awesome. I love you so much and am so excited to start the next 7 years! Remember how we used to talk about our short term and long term goals? We always seemed to get them accomplished so much faster than we expected! We make a great team because we make every decision together and stay on course. I think the next short term goal we should set is to get a boat so we can get out on the water together and just be....together. Love you!


Thanks for stopping by, may your day be blessed!