Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The lazy girl's guide to eh, whatever. Installment 1 of ?

So I went to the store today, loving the fact that I got such a good, close parking spot. You know, that spot that's RIGHT next to the handicapped spots, and close enough to the entrance to give yourself a mental high-five? It's a real rarity to get that spot--go me! It's hot...who wants to walk on the radiating pavement very far, right? So I went in, did my thing, and came out to unload my groceries into my Element, and to my dismay, I was in a dilemma. Do I take my cart alllllll the way back into the store, or ditch it on the sad patch of concrete encased grass, only to get funny looks from others as I hop the curb, so the cart boy can fetch it next time he's on the prowl? Eh, I'm in my 30's...who cares what others think--they've done the same lazy thing before! After all, the cart boys get paid to take that clever little cart-herder machine that creates a tidy line of nested wire-basket clones to wheel back into the store, right? I'm providing them with some job security, which is sadly, more than my friends left at ATT, have these days. Anyhow, close parking spots rock, having to walk your cart allllll the way back into the store, or hoofing it to the nearest cart return really seems to defeat the entire purpose of getting that sweet spot in the first place!
Don't judge me.
Stay tuned, more lazy installments to come...or maybe not. I dunno.

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