Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Well, yeah so here's my thing today...  I have slipped back into potty-mouthedness, yep it's a word.  Maybe just my word.  Not that I have ever completely kicked the potty-mouth...infact, I just curb it's influx of nastiness, but it usually remains just under the surface.  Just sneak up and scare me, and see what comes out of my mouth.  Having kids around every other week has made me aware of my use of such words.  On weeks they are home, I find myself using what I can best describe as replacement words.  Motherfudgekins, shazam, shootfire, poopface, crappenhagen, doody-brown, bullshizzle, bootyhead, turd-licker, fart-knockers, jackwad, stinky potty-tush, among many others.  Then when I hear the kids repeat these stupid words, I feel even worse.  Great, way to go step-mom (guess it's better than the alternative).  When the kids are not home, I find myself using the big-girl words that I incorporated into my vocabulary around age 11.  I really hate it at times because I will be talking to a friend, letting them know I am praying for them, or talking about my love for Jesus, or the miracles that have been worked in my life; then fast forward the conversation about 5 minutes to the next subject and I am dropping bombs like Hiroshima.  What is that??  It's like I can't find any more effective nouns, adjectives or adverbs to get my point across?  HELP!  So I feel like I should start eff-bombs anonymous.  Hi, my name is Sarah and I curse my face off.  Hello, Sarah.  I have knocked lots of other non-productive vices in my life, why is this one so ingrained into my language?  I have tried to do the whole curse jar thing...that's a joke, I just end up with lots of my $$ in a what?  A reward to go buy something special for cursing like a sailor? -Sweet.  So I guess, just pray for my potty-mouth because it certainly is NOT a true reflection of what's in my heart.  I'm pretty frustrated with my lack of verbal discipline.  Grrr.

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