Monday, April 26, 2010

To know, or Not to Know

Things I know:

Not to watch a scary movie if I want to sleep well for the next 3 weeks.

I really enjoy helping people.

I am a teensy bit neurotic,(SJ--ha!) but mainly a big 'ol feeler. (Meyers Briggs)

That grace and mercy are better than bitterness and unforgiveness.

People don't like it if you talk about yourself all the time.

Gerbera Daisies don't like cold weather.

That if you should have raw turkey juice spilled on your Nike's, you better throw those in a bleach load as soon as possible

God is big, pray hard, and believe in Him and your prayer to Him.

Running is harder than I ever thought it would be, I like walking better.

If you are hosting your own pity party do not expect others to show up, but your real friends will listen.

That I am grateful.

That the expression "killing 'em with kindness" doesn't always kill them, but sometimes it makes them mad.

I am still immature enough to giggle when I hear the word weiner.

You can tell alot about a person by how good a listener they are.

Poor spelling and grammar make we wanna get out my red pen and wreak havoc.

Things I don't know:

The rules of football. (been learning for awhile now, still don't understand--it's like a foreign language to me)

Why people try to make you feel dumb for using a word they aren't familiar with....but YOU are the dumb one?

How you abandon someone you love in the name of bitterness and hatefulness, especially grand-children.

How you could not think my dog Tatoes is the cutest, sweetest dog on earth. ;)

Why the voice on the Wii Fit has to be so condescending.

Where I would be if I had never gotten clean and accepted Jesus.

How to stop buying Scentsy stuff.

What I ever did to deserve to be blessed with the life I have.

Why anyone in their right mind would jump out of a plane, off a bridge, or dive from a cliff.  Nuts, I tell ya.

Why I cannot ever do a white load and have all the socks match up with their friends.

How some people cannot laugh at themselves, but can laugh at others.

How to help Maya with her 8th grade Algebra.

How to be serious at all times.

Why the weather forecast is generally wrong and we have the most technologically advanced doppler equipment now than ever?

1 comment:

  1. The voice of the Wii fit is condescending!!! I hate it! This is fun, I like to know what you do and don't know......hehe.....wiener!


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