Maya and Tate

Tatoes has to have surgery tomorrow to remove several large bladder stones she has :( This makes me mucho nervous. I hate what she is going to have to go through, and I hate the pain she is in. Thank goodness they gave us some pain meds for her so she isn't totally miserable until tomorrow. I feel like I could throw up, I wasn't this nervous for my own surgery. I am also NOT excited about the cost of all this, but she is worth every penny. She is not just a dog, she is a little furball that has brought David and I alot of joy since she has come into our lives...daily this dog has brings me joy--honestly, how many people can you say that about? She is excited when we walk in the door, and I feel sad when we leave her. Sometimes when we are leaving, she runs out to the car and puts her little paws up on the car door, asking us if we will take her with us. We come home and she knows the very last pair of shoes I have worn and finds them and lays with my shoes, without ever chewing one up. To me, Tatoes is a little furry fourlegged person, and we treat her with just such dignity. She gets grumpy, she pouts, she gets excited, she is silly, she is smart, and the absolute best snuggler, sorry David. ;) Nothing is more pleasing to her than ripping the stuffing out of one of her little stuffed rodent friends, getting the squeaker and relishing in her accomplishment by rolling around in it's fluffy "guts"!
In my perfect world, every dog would have a home and every home would have a dog. She is that "once in a lifetime" dog....so yes, I am VERY nervous about tomorrow, and have asked for prayers for Miss Tatoes, and myself to not lose a marble. God knows my heart and I am trusting in Him to protect it.
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive." - Gilda Radner
The Morton Salt Pup
Noah and Tate at the Doggy Dive in at the pool.
Tatoes and her BFF, Zoe Ducusin
Miss T, is home and resting comfortably. Her incision looks awesome. She is still very out of it, and can tell she is in pain, but she is on Rimadyl, and I hope it's helping. I wish she could just talk and tell me how she is feeling! Thanks to all that prayed for us!! My little sweetie is on the mend! ;)