Maya leaves for CIY in Carbondale, IL tomorrow; I am praying this is going to be a great time for her. It's a great Christian Summer program for High School age kids. Reality keeps smacking me that she's going into High School this year! Doesn't really seem possible she is that age. Wow...just wow. Time sure does fly. Seems like just yesterday we were walking holding hands everywhere we went and exchanging "I love you's" until one of us "won" (the last person to say I love you). Ah...sweet memories I will always cherish.
David and I both got the new iPhone 4, so far so good. I really like mine, the ability to do HD video is sweet, as well as the toggling between apps, and long battery life. I don't seem to be having any antenna issues that others had complained about. I really like Face time too...lots of fun to be able to see someone and visit, just a bummer that they have to have the iPhone 4 too, to be able to do it. iPads are cool as well, and David has a new mistress, her name is iMac...he's in love. :) His editing time is now almost cut in half, this baby flies! Good for him, what a killer investment for the biz. I got to do my first client consultation with the iPad a few days ago. It was totally awesome. So much easier than flipping through that clumsy huge portfolio that was 3 years old. This keeps it new and fresh...totally excellent. I was able to show my client a full wedding at the venue she had chosen, I just went to that folder and! Good stuff.
I have a nasty Summer cold. ICK! I feel like dirt. David had a wedding today, normally I would have gone with him, but I just wasn't up to it today. So I stayed in bed and watched some movies on the iPad and got all the laundry done. I had never watched Donnie Darko, and had heard it was interesting and cool...and yeah, it kinda was, interesting concept, but I am just not that cool. I get so sick of Christians in movies being portrayed as idiots, close-minded bigots, and unintelligent simpletons. But, I guess that's cool in godless Hollywood. Anything to escape accountability and morality, because the opposite always sells. Although I look at films like the Passion of the Christ, (Mel Gibson, for the record, is completely NUTS) and Fireproof (even though the acting left alot to be desired) and how well they did at the box office. I think people do want more entertainment with relevant thematic Christian messages, but it's just not popular to make those movies, or claim Christ. Ah, our society...the more depraved the better, I spose. (Insert frowny face here). I personally love documentaries, they are my favorite types of movies, and while this may make me a nerd, I like to stay informed about a variety of topics this way. Typically most of them have some sort of agenda or bias, but nevertheless, even if to play "devil's advocate" with the topic, I come out more educated one way or the other.
Well, it's time for some Nyquil and the snuggling of pups. Here's an eyebrow raising thought for today:
While sitting on the bank of a river one day, I picked up a solid round stone from the water and broke it open. It was perfectly dry in spite of the fact that it had been immersed in water for centuries. The same is true of many people in the Western world. For centuries they have been surrounded by Christianity; they live immersed in the waters of its benefits. And yet it has not penetrated their hearts; they do not love it. The fault is not in Christianity, but in men's hearts, which have been hardened by materialism and intellectualism.
~Sadhu Sundar Singh
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