I'm mad. Yes, mad. My iPhone is on the fritz. If you have been on FB and seen my status you saw what has happened. If not, I am not in the mood to explain it, I am mad, remember?
I got a good chuckle out of Kelley telling me about the misadventures of building a dang Egyptian pyramid outta popsicle sticks for a project for Kaitlyn. Why do teachers make kids do such mundane stuff? What are they really learning other than you have to spend $30 at Hobby Lobby to get an A? Kelley, you need a blog, b/c you had me crackin' up.
I smell my sugar cookie Scentsy burning along with some vanilla walnut, it's making me HUNGRY for cupcakes or twinkies, or heck I dunno, I would even stuff my face fulla marshmallows right now for some sugary goodness! GRR! I have been sugar free for 5 days, booooooo! Sarah is ON the dang wagon...in more ways than one.
Ok enough complaining, onto something worthwhile... Is it wrong to ask you to pray for my iPhone? lol
My dear friend Theresa (aka T-Gabs, T, Chica, Mama, Oma, friendy) talks about "redirecting" alot...as in, when you are pissy, REDIRECT it into something good or worthwhile...so uh, let's see, here I go....Redirecting.... 10 things...10 good things...
1. Did you see the email I sent you about the the boy with no name that Stephanie Freed found in Cambodia? So sad, but a blessing Stephanie found him. David and both looked at each other and said, "We will take him!" How do some cultures totally devalue life? I suppose it's because it's a type of poverty none of us can even begin to fathom...that is all I can figure. I wonder about him, I am glad they gave him a name.
2. We are up to 30 weddings booked for 2010! Wahooti! Gonna be another busy year, looking forward to it!
3. Biggest Loser at church starts tomorrow...dreading it, but excited on the other hand. Time to shed some pounds. I wish everyone luck!
4. Tatoes is the coolest. If you didn't know, you better ask someone. Enough said there.
5. I love my new washer and dryer, now that we have a working dryer! Doing 3 loads at a time really does save time and this "he" washer really does use quite a bit less water. Now that we have a Sam's membership and are able to buy bulk we are saving some $$ too on detergent, TP, and things of that nature. My way to go "green" again this year is to NOT use any paper plates (unless I'm hosting a party or something).
6. I have so enjoyed the snow! I hate to see it go, but am really ready for it to warm up. It was fun hanging on for dear life as David gunned it up our slick 45 degree angled driveway trying to maneuver one of the cars into place in the garage. I screamed like a little "school girl"! He He
7. My orchids are totally in hibernation. I love it because it allows me to look forward to them blooming again in the Spring when the days get longer. Orchids are the gift that keep on giving; what other gorgeous flower keeps it's blooms for 6 months at a time? They make me happy. I get so excited when they have new blooms, like it's giving birth or something!--uh, yeah I know, I am a nerd. lol.
8. Is it not the best feeling in the world to get all your Christmas decor down? There is something really clutter free, and freeing about the whole process. You are so excited to get all the stuff out, but if you are like me, thinking all the while...wow, we have ALOT of Christmas stuff and it's going to take days to put it all away. Then when it only took us 2 hours to take down all the inside stuff, we both laughed at the fact that EVERY year without fail, we forget it always takes wayyyy longer to put it all up, than pack it all away. And just like that, it's GONE! Poof...and a sigh of relief, gone for another 10 months...see ya gingerbread men! (although our lights are still up outside b/c of all the snow) ;)
9. I got my first pair of real Ugg boots this week, they were a Christmas present from DJ, and was waiting on a return for a different style, and they came! They are divine. There is nothing finer in foot comfort, I do declare. It's like tiny angels came and wrapped my feet and ankles in soft, warm, furry clouds of yumminess. Could I wear them in July in Missouri?--Not a chance, but for the time being I am enjoying the heck outta their pleasurable pampering on my tootsies.
10. I guess I will leave you with something I was thinking about today. I prepared communion for the first time today (thanks for the ride, Renee). I was chatting with Kay as she taught me what to do, and I began to think... "This seems like alot of fuss". Now that thought might sound cold, odd, or selfish, even lazy I suppose. But all the placement and stacking of little bitty cups, and all the little tiny pieces of crackers, and then the little drippy squirter thingy... It's alot of little tedious motions. Renee dropped me home, I got mad at my phone, talked to my hubby and Kelley for a bit, and with TV off just had a moment to myself. I realized, that I prepared the Lord's Supper for everyone that will partake it tomorrow. There might be someone taking it for the first time, there might be someone who takes it without thinking....I don't know. And while I was preparing the "Great Value" grape juice, and the little crackers that come in that weird little box, I had missed it. Missed it completely. I was doing it out of obligation. I was doing it because I had told Kay I would MONTHS ago...and January had FINALLY caught up with me. Here in our little church, is the humble opportunity for me to serve, in a very small way, and I am not seeing the bigger picture. It's not just generic juice from Walmart, it's not just little crackers ordered from a Christian supply catalog. It is my Lord's blood, and broken body in symbolic form, that I all too often take for granted and I GET to prepare. How could I have missed that? Sometimes church things become ritualistic, boring and routine, but it's the really important ones like communion, that we are to revere. I realize that I, a lousy complainer, a sinner, one that must constantly "redirect", often look over the simplest of concepts that God has tried to show me in all His glory and wisdom. It's so easy to lose what is important and good, behind what "must just get done". I do that ALL the time! I lose sight of what the "greater good" is, and just do what I say I will do, so noone will be upset with me, so I won't disappoint anyone. Going "through the motions", I believe they call it? That is the wrong reasons and I know it. So after my little confession here, I guess of all things, I am at least "keepin' it real"... and that's about it. I hope next week I can approach servitude a little differently, keeping in mind Jesus' sacrifice and not resenting my own, of a little time and energy. Progress, not perfection, right?